Tim Shinbara

Tim-ShinbaraTim Shinbara is Vice President – Manufacturing Technology for AMT. He is responsible for activities related to research and development, standards, and review of manufacturing technology needs. Mr. Shinbara assists members with a wide range of information and research activities on equipment, technical and engineering matters. He also advises on technology trends, sponsors and participates in industrial advisory groups and committees to gather technology-related data as well as provide insight within export control (DOC’s Materials, Processing and Equipment Technical Advisory Committee, MPETAC) discussions.

Mr. Shinbara also resides on the Executive Committee of America Makes – the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII) and is the AMT liaison for the Additive Working Group and Technology Issues Committee for members within AMT. The MTConnect Institute is managed within Tim’s department where the MTConnect standard (open data communication standard for interconnectivity / interoperability of manufacturing technology) has become a key enabler for digital manufacturing in the technology economy.