Conference Program

George Whitesides at SpaceCom 2018

Conference Program

The SpaceCom conference program is developed in conjunction with an Advisory Board made up of industry, academic and government leaders, and is chaired by KBR Senior Vice President, Dr. Vernon McDonald.

The SpaceCom conference program brings together senior international thought leaders from industry, government and the commercial space industry to examine the trends that impact space commerce around the world. The breakout workshops are collaborative experiences where subject matter experts inform and engage the audiences in a problem-solving environment on a range of topics essential to commercial space development. Attendees come away with clearer sense of the space sector and the role they play in it.

Our Program Includes:

  • The SpaceCom Entrepreneur Summit (SES)
  • GSA Spaceport Summit (invite only)
  • Keynote Speakers
  • Plenary Sessions
  • Workshop sessions focused on: Cross-Industry Opportunities; The Trillion Dollar LEO Economy; Critical Regulatory Considerations; and Returning to the Moon to Stay

View the schedule at a glance