Mark Guilliams

Mark Guilliams
Astronaut Strength, Conditioning & Rehabilitation Specialist, NASA JSC

Mark Guilliams is the Lead Strength, Conditioning and Rehabilitation Specialists (ASCR). He, along with the ASCR team, is responsible for developing all the current preflight, inflight and post-flight strength and conditioning program that is used for training all US astronauts. Mark started his work at KBR/NASA over 27 years ago. For the first five years, he worked in the Exercise Physiology Lab working on numerous studies and providing medical testing of the entire astronaut core.  Then in 1997, Mark joined the Astronaut Strength and Conditioning (ASCR) group, which is where he has worked for the past 22 years. As one of the original team members of the ASCR’s, Mark has been instrumental in the development of all of the strength and conditioning programs used by the ASCR group since the group’s inception. Mark has either authored and/or co-authored over 28 published articles or abstracts and book chapters that focused on various aspects of spaceflight exercise. Mark is a Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach with the distinction EMERTUS which is the highest recognition offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. In addition, Mark has been responsible for the training of 23 Shuttle Flights and 70 International Space Station Crewmembers; he has personal been responsible for the all the training of 40 International Space Station astronauts. No other person in the world has provided exercise training for more long duration astronauts than Mark Guilliams.