The New Era of Space Commerce Begins at SpaceCom.
SpaceCom is all about the Business of Space
Network, make connections, and interact with your colleagues from:
- International Space Station
- Aerospace prime and subcontractor companies
- Commercial space
- International space agencies
Increase Your Competitive Edge
If your company is looking to collaborate with industry peers on the latest advancements in the aerospace market, SpaceCom is for you! Enhance your capabilities and discover a new group of collaborators for building your business. At SpaceCom you will:
- Build partnerships with international businesses.
- Be part of one of the largest gatherings of NASA personnel attending a civilian space conference.
- Expand your presence in the space commerce industry.
- Explore new terrestrial industry markets in energy, advanced manufacturing, maritime, medical, and agribusiness.
View the 2018 schedule at a glance.
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Special Programs Add Value for Aerospace Attendees
- NASA Center Theater presentations
- SpaceCom Entrepreneur Summit
- SpaceCom Entrepreneurs' Pavilion
- Italian innovation and entrepreneur days
- Smart Energy Conference
- Smart Advanced Manufacturing Conference
- Commercial Spaceport Summit
Aerospace Overview
The aerospace industry is very competitive domestically and internationally. Recent technological advancements make the industry even more exciting.
The cost of launch technologies has been reduced considerably by manufacturing efficiencies and the imminent prospect of the routine re-usability of the orbital class boosters.
The number of launch service providers is increasing:
- Congress and the Administration are supportive of developing a robust commercial space sector
- The weight and size of the payloads necessary to accomplish tasks in space have been reduced, further reducing the price per kilogram of launch
- Venture capital and private equity markets are investing heavily because they now see a future of real returns within realistic time periods from space investments.
These changes and the business opportunities they represent have been the subject of SpaceCom in 2015, 2016, and 2017.
In 2018, the SpaceCom conference program focuses even more intently on the buying sectors for space-based services, reciprocal technology transfer between industries and business opportunities in microgravity environments. PLUS, we will take a deep dive into the future marketplace being created beyond LEO in the cislunar environment. Your peers and competitors who attend SpaceCom are exposed to new ideas and thinking that will give them a competitive advantage.
PLUS . . . SpaceCom welcomes 250+ NASA personnel looking for solutions to challenges they are facing and want to explore engagement and partner opportunities with you.
Applications in Action
- “It means you can fly and re-fly an orbital class booster, which I the most expensive part of the rocket. This is going to be, ultimately a huge revolution I spaceflight.”
Elon Musk, SpaceX March 30 2017 on the successful re-landing of its booster at Kennedy Space Center. - NASA satellite imagery combined with IBM’s Watson intelligence reduces water usage on grape vines by 16% improving the quality of the grapes for Gallo wine and reducing their cost to produce!
- “The prospect of a lunar mission has several companies lining up to provide, not just transportation but also habitats, science experiments and even the ability to mine the Moon for resources.” The Washington Post, March 3, 2017
Related Links
- The launch and simultaneous landing of SpaceX Falcon Heavy side boosters in February 2018
- The launch and landing of SpaceX Rocket in March 2017
- Zoom Effect of the GIS System
- NASA Spin Off