

The New Era of Commerce Begins at SpaceCom.

The Agribusiness Industry is Getting Smarter

At SpaceCom, you can learn how to fuel business innovations for the agribusiness industry by learning, networking, and innovating with your peers and other industry executives to see how technology derived from space is used for everyday products and services on Earth.

  • Discover low cost, high-impact services and technologies your company can use today to increase efficiencies and profits.
  • Learn about market-ready technologies and how can you apply them for your business and who to connect with to make it a reality.

Applications include:

  • Farm management systems
  • Satellite driven IOT apps for the phone
  • Precision farming
  • Weather forecast integration
  • Robotic and AI application on the farm

Special Programs Add Value for Aerospace Attendees

View the 2018 schedule.

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Agribusiness Overview

Agribusiness has been reliant on satellite imaging and GPS data for decades, but the revolution taking place in space capabilities and data analytics is posing new opportunities for innovative agribusiness to gain competitive advantage. Water usage and control, crop infestation and predication, yield data and detailed weather forecasting are some of the metrics that are improving in their efficacy.

SpaceCom brings together space and agribusiness executives to tackle common problems and define workable solutions for mutual gain. It offered a distinct forum for exploring how innovation, big data, and partnerships can increase automation and technology for improved efficiency.

Applications in Action

  • Smart Farming: Climate Corporation aims to build a digitized world where every farmer is able to optimize and flawlessly execute every decision on the farm. Their platform combines hyper-local weather monitoring, agronomic modeling, and high-resolution weather simulations to help farmers improve profitability by making better informed operating and financing decisions.
  • Water Conservation: Monsanto is leading the charge in developing techniques for farmers to use less water and still achieve the crop yields necessary. Further, Monsanto is trying to mitigate the viability in food security across nations and do these things with a view to minimizing the climate change footprint.

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Increase Your Competitive Edge

If your company is looking to increase yield and lower operational costs, SpaceCom is for you! Enhance your capabilities and discover a new group of collaborators for building your business.

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