

The New Era of Commerce Begins at SpaceCom.

The Maritime Industry is Getting Smarter

At SpaceCom, you can learn how to fuel business innovations for the maritime industry by learning, networking, and innovating with your peers and other industry executives to see how technology derived from space is used for everyday products and services on Earth.

  • Discover low cost, high-impact services and technologies your company can use today to increase efficiencies and profits.
  • Learn about market-ready technologies and how can you apply them for your business and who to connect with to make it a reality.

Applications included:

  • Perform asset tracking
  • Reduce risk and increase fleet safety and efficiency
  • Provide crews with broadband communications, entertainment and medical care
  • Monitor illegal fishing activities

Special Programs Add Value for Aerospace Attendees

View the 2018 schedule.

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Maritime Overview

Satellites have been integral to maritime navigation and weather forecasting for decades. But as we move into a new era of automation, increasingly sophisticated analytics applied to rich satellite data streams, and easier access to capabilities, how can the maritime community position itself to take full advantage of these opportunities to increase competitive edge?

For example, NASA will increase effectiveness of AIS (Automatic Identification Systems) with new instruments to be placed on the International Space Station. Ocean-going vessels have many challenges in common with deep space missions, such as remote medicine and operational maintenance. How are NASA and other industry sectors applying advanced applications of LIDAR scanning (originally used to map the surface of the Moon) for security, collision avoidance, and search and rescue.

SpaceCom helps attendees from the maritime industry discover new applications, as well as explore how their technologies can apply to NASA challenges and those of other industries like agriculture, energy, and medical.

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Increase Your Competitive Edge

If your company is looking to utilize data, technology and innovation for heightened performance and efficiency, SpaceCom is for you! Enhance your capabilities and discover a new group of collaborators for building your business.

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