Welcome members of the Press! Below you can find information and media for your use. Please contact us about any further questions you may have.
Registration for SpaceCom is complimentary to accredited media, which includes reporters, editors, and photographers affiliated with recognized broadcast, print or internet media organizations.
Once registered, you will begin to receive email updates regarding badging, credentials, etc.
[button id=”” button_text=”REGISTER TODAY” button_link=”https://registration.experientevent.com/ShowSCO191/Flow/PRESS#!/registrant//Dashboard/” link_open=”_self” button_icon=”” button_align=”” button_size=”medium” button_style=”default” margin_top=”0 ” href_title=””]
Press Releases
Download and read the latest SpaceCom 2019 press releases and access news articles written about the show.
Show Photos
Access and download a variety of SpaceCom show photos.
Press Office Hours
Room #330A
Tuesday, November 19
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, November 20
7:30 am – 6:30 pm
Thursday, November 21
7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Media Contacts
Whitney Bell
P: 703.706.8254
Laura Jones
P: 713.224.9115
Meghan Bailey
P: 713.224.9115