The ISS’s 20th Anniversary

The International Space Station Turns 20 on November 20, 2018

The 20th Anniversary of the beginning of construction of the International Space Station (ISS) is a moment to celebrate. The first element of the International Space Station was successfully launched on November 20, 1998. It was an autonomous launch from Russia using a Proton rocket. This element was a control module named Zarya.

This was followed on December 4, 1998, by shuttle mission STS-88 which brought UNITY, the first of three nodes planned for the station.

The first crew was launched on July 12, 2000, and we have had a permanent human presence on station ever since!

Participate in the Celebration

Meet with a large presence of ISS partners such as NASA’s Destination Station and participate in an opening celebratory toast.

The SpaceCom conference program has always showcased the value of the ISS and the ways it has helped humanity and continues to do so. This will continue in the 2018 conference with emphasis on the commercial industries that can benefit the most from using the ISS capabilities.


Partnering countries in the ISS:

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  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Denmark


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  • European Space Agency
  • France
  • Germany
  • Holland
  • Italy


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  • Japan
  • Norway
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • Sweden



Companies that Partner with CASIS and Provide Services to the ISS:

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  • Airbus DS Space Systems
  • Astrotech Space Operations
  • Bionetics Corporation
  • Boeing Space Operations
  • CSS-Dynamac Corporation
  • Emerald City Initiatives
  • Fedex Space Services
  • HNU Photonics
  • Jacobs XPrSS
  • KBRwyle


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  • Leidos Innovations
  • Lockheed Martin
  • M&B Engineering
  • Made in Space
  • MEI Technologies
  • Micro Aerospace Solutions
  • NanoRacks LLC
  • Oceaneering Space Systems
  • Orbital Technologies Corp


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  • Paragon Space Development
  • ProXops
  • Raven Aerospace
  • Sierra Nevada
  • Space Systems Research Corp
  • Space Tango
  • SpaceX
  • Space Technology & Advanced Research Systems
  • SpacePharma
  • Tec-Masters


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  • Techshot, INC
  • Teledyne Brown Engineering
  • Thales Alenia Space
  • The Aerospace Company
  • The Boeing Company
  • ThinkSpace
  • United Launch Alliance
  • UTC Aerospace
  • Vencore
  • Zin Technologies




For More Information

Rich Hodge
SpaceCom Sales Manager
Phone: 703.706.8215
Email: rhodge@spacecomexpo.com