SpaceCom thanks our program planning committee for helping to create an exceptional conference program that includes the highest caliber of speakers and sessions.

Dr. David Alexander, OBE
Professor, Physics and Astronomy and Director, Rice Space Institute
Rice University

Genie Bopp
Vice President

Steven Gonzalez
Technology Transfer Strategist
NASA Johnson Space Center

Mary Kincaid
Strategy Analyst Lead, Strategic Partnerships Office
NASA Johnson Space Center

David Kornuta
Systems Engineer
Advanced Concepts

Laurie Labra
Vice President Human Exploration Division

Yolanda Marshall
Manager, Strategic Partnerships
NASA Johnson Space Center

Sudhir Pai
Managing Director (former)

Stephan Reckie
Managing Member
Angelus Funding

Kent Schescke
Executive Vice President
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology

Jeff Siders
Northrop Grumman

Larry Strader (Chair)
General Manager
GeoControl Systems, Inc.